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Deep Space Supply

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Getting Started in Trading

I'm sure you are ready to start making the big ISK and not spend all of your time reading a blog so we will keep this to the point. Assuming you don't have piles of ISK laying about lets start from the bottom and work up.

You have just been hatched from the biomass and find yourself floating about in a brand new and totally worthless Ibis. This ship is good for one thing, beginning the tutorial. Now, go finish the tutorial and come back later.

To become a successful trader you need to focus on amassing some ISK. It does take ISK to make ISK. By the end of the tutorial you should be able to eek out enough ISK to start buying better ships and equipment. Keep mining and running missions until you can fly a Badger II. Don’t bother with shields or anything else for it, what you need is cargo space. Get yourself some Expanded Cargo II's and you are ready to trade.

That’s about all we are going to cover on ships and equipment. Lets get to the real reason you are here.


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